Fabowale Abiodun Ben. A gospel artist from osun state. Composer, producer and songwriter. C E O of voice of heaven singers. He started singing when at a very tender age, He love praising God and that makes me to be choir anywhere he found himself. He has composed more than alot of praise song like Thank u Jesus, Titi ti mafipapoda, gbogno ara, eyin baba logo, lord I praise u and many more According to him During this Xmas rehearsal, I was to coordinate the choir and I just have it in my spirit that there should be a song that will help people to carry their leg and move their body when hearing it and the lord drop it into my mind and I started putting it together. DOWNLOAD His passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ is the driving force behind the songs he writes and sings, with the aim of impacting and changing lives around the world . His unique sound talent and anointing has brought him on platfor...